A Life in Pages
In no particular order, Angela Hunt is a novelist, a nana, teacher, mother, wife, mastiff owner, reader, musician, student, aspiring theologian, apprentice baker, and bubble gum connoisseur. The things that enter her life sooner or later find their way into her books, hence "a life in pages."
Friday, September 07, 2012
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Announcement: New Website, New Blog site
Every five years, we authors are told, we need an updated author picture. And since our author photos often form the basis of our website mastheads, maybe we need an updated website about that often, too.
On Friday, Lord willing, Angela Hunt Books.com will feature a brand new look. And this blog will be moving to Word Press, a different blogging site.
If you have signed up for a blog subscription through Blogger, you'll have to move it--sorry for the inconvenience. But if you simply visit my website every day and then click "blog," you won't have to change a thing. The new WordPress blog will be featured right on the first page of the new website design.
So if you get some time on Friday, visit http://www.angelahuntbooks.com and let me know what you think of the new design. I like it--probably because aqua is one of my favorite colors. :-) The design is clean and easy to navigate, so my hat is off to Author Media for the new design.
Thanks for your faithful reading over the years. Come join me over on the new site!
The Angela Hunt ipad/iphone app has a new look, too!

On Friday, Lord willing, Angela Hunt Books.com will feature a brand new look. And this blog will be moving to Word Press, a different blogging site.
If you have signed up for a blog subscription through Blogger, you'll have to move it--sorry for the inconvenience. But if you simply visit my website every day and then click "blog," you won't have to change a thing. The new WordPress blog will be featured right on the first page of the new website design.
So if you get some time on Friday, visit http://www.angelahuntbooks.com and let me know what you think of the new design. I like it--probably because aqua is one of my favorite colors. :-) The design is clean and easy to navigate, so my hat is off to Author Media for the new design.
Thanks for your faithful reading over the years. Come join me over on the new site!
The Angela Hunt ipad/iphone app has a new look, too!
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Matt Dancing
I don't know who this "Matt" is, but this video made me smile and then brought tears to my eyes--because it's beautiful, and because I couldn't help thinking of how God created such a diversity of people and he loves each and every one of them. A beautiful video, well worth watching. Enjoy. ~~Angie
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Like Your iPad, Dad? LOL!
You don't have to understand the language to understand this one. Daughter is asking how Dad likes the iPad she got him for Christmas. :-)
Monday, September 03, 2012
Labor Day Weekend with Friends
Moi, Robin Lee Hatcher, Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn, Terri Blackstock |
This past weekend my writing pal Bill Myers hosted several old friends for a few days of conversation, laughter, music, and prayer. We have all been writing in the Christian publishing industry for 25+ years. I joined my dear friends Terri Blackstock, Robin Lee Hatcher, James Scott Bell and his wife St. Cindy, Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn, and Bill, of course, as we talked about personal and professional challenges. We had church together on Sunday morning, and we laughed, wept, and prayed together.
Hanging out as Randy talks about heaven . . . |
Writers have writer friends, you know, and the friendship between Christian writers is sweet and supportive. We are iron sharpening iron, and for years we have prayed and celebrated with one another. But we don't often get to BE together in a casual situation--oh, we meet at conferences where we are busy teaching and mentoring and running around, but it's RARE that we get to hang out together in someone's back yard, munch on pretzels, and play with the resident dogs.
So this was a rare treat indeed. Thank you, Bill and Brenda Myers for opening your home to us, and thank you, my writer friends, for understanding that I can't talk about the deep things in my heart without the spigots turning on and my voice getting all high and squeaky.
. . . and we listen. |
I love you all. And I'll be meeting you at the throne as we pray for each other.
Now . . . let's get back to work!
Me 'n Chaucer. Man, I keep good company! |
Singin' a duet with Frank Peretti. The man is a first rate guitarist. |
Frank, Randy, and Terri doing the photographer's "Yeah!" ;-) |
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A Stone-Still Squirrel
I stepped outside to get the mail today and saw a squirrel flattened to a branch of my crepe myrtle tree. He had a huge magnolia tree pod in his mouth, and he just sat there without moving. I knew he'd make a great picture, but didn't think he'd still be there after I walked by, went into the house, slammed the door, etc. But on a hunch, I got the mail, went inside, and came back out with my camera.
The little darling hadn't budged--in fact, I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with him. Did he have that huge pod stuck on his front teeth? Had he been frozen in fear? Was he dreaming of all those little red seeds inside the pod?
I may never know, but he let me take several pictures without even flinching, and when I went back inside the house, he still hadn't moved.
Friends, meet squirrel. He's all set for winter.
The little darling hadn't budged--in fact, I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with him. Did he have that huge pod stuck on his front teeth? Had he been frozen in fear? Was he dreaming of all those little red seeds inside the pod?
I may never know, but he let me take several pictures without even flinching, and when I went back inside the house, he still hadn't moved.
Friends, meet squirrel. He's all set for winter.
Monday, August 27, 2012
I've just finished reading the book of Ecclesiastes. I've never paid too much attention to the book, and have even heard that Solomon was a little off his rocker when he wrote it near the end of his life. By then, of course, he had been pulled away from his devout love of God by his foreign wives, who influenced him to do all sorts of terrible and idolatrous things.
But Ecclesiastes is chock full of wisdom--it's just a sort of wry and slightly jaded wisdom, and its truths aren't exactly what a lot of folks want to hear. Give it a read sometime soon, and you'll see what I mean.
I particularly loved this passage found in chapter six:
Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; it is like chasing the wind.
Angie here again: A friend of mine used to paraphrase this by saying, "A lot of people spend all their time wishing for things they could have if they didn't spend all their time wishing."
And this verse: Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there's no use arguing with God about your destiny.
Lots of folks who imagine themselves champions of their own destiny will be dismayed to read this. But nonetheless, it's true. God, who is eternal and lives outside of time, has already written the book of our lives, and the story includes the choices we freely make/made. It's all been decided in eternity. But we live in in the present, so our choices are free and real to us.
And here's a great verse for a writer/speaker: The more words you speak, the less they mean. So why overdo it?
Why, indeed?
Over and out,
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