Time for another BOM, and this month we'll do a series: The Heavenly Daze series, co-written with Lori Copeland.
I get more email about this series than anything I've ever written, period. The books are heart-warming and fun, and since most people read for entertainment, they serve their purpose very well.
The premise is simple: Heavenly Daze is a town on a small island off the coast of Maine. Two hundred years ago, at the time of the town's settlement, its founder begged God to send angels to protect anyone who crossed the threshold of any home on Heavenly Daze. That prayer was answered, and now an angel resides in each home--though the townspeople don't realize that the mild mannered "Smith" men are angels in disguise.
Lori and I like to think of this series as "Touched by an Angel" meets "Mayberry R.F.D." The townspeople are quirky, but the angels are biblical, and though there are many hijinks, a serious spiritual vein runs through all of the books.
I hope you'll join me this week as we take an in-depth look at the entire series, beginning with "The Island of Heavenly Daze."
Oh! And Happy New Year to you!
What a "sweet" idea for a series. I haven't seen this series before. Guess I missed out.
Neat. And Happy New Year to you, too!
i just adore this series! that is
a great analogy- (touched by an angel meets mayberry rfd!)
i so hope that it works out that you and lori will be able to continue the story!
yay i love this series! i got my boyfriend's mom hooked onto this series too. she had just finished reading the Mitford books and was looking for books with that type of feel so i recommended these to her. and she LOVED them too!
Woohoo! What a great New Year's gift--a look into Heavenly Daze! I love this series and am excited about the possibility of it going on...and on...! I still think the funniest scene I've ever read was the one in the first book with Rev. Wickam trying out his toupee! Happy New Year Angie!
I just popped in to add my two cents on the Heavenly Daze series. When I heard the books were going to be reissued I couldn't have had a more perfect Christmas present!
Memories flood me as I write this note. Angie's told you about the concept, and how the series was born. I remember that lobster they threw out on the table still screaming... And the Puffin Inn. What a time we had that weekend. We decided to splurg and rent a convertible since the leaves were turning. I think we kept the top up most of our vist, but on the way back to the airport someone got the bright idea to put the cloth top down. By the time we reached Boston Angie's lips were blue and we had to pull over on the highway and put up the top.
These sissy little Florida gals!
Anyway, spead the news, toot the horns and tell everyone (and I do mean everyone)that you know to buy a copy of Heavenly Daze when it lands in Borders. The Heavenly Dazers enthusiam and confidence in this series is a contributing factor in these books being resurreted.
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