The rest of the process for "The Note 2" was fairly straightforward--editing was simple, the movie company approved the text, and the book was off to the printer. Genie Francis and I did a podcast with Maura Dunbar, the producer, and you can listen to it here. (At least I HOPE I have the link here. If I don't, I don't have it yet. )
Do you have any questions about this book? Please leave them in the comments below, and I'll be sure to answer them tomorrow. Also, if you'd like to be entered in a drawing for a free copy, just leave a note to that effect in the comments box, too.
Thanks! Tomorrow: Q&A
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I think this would be a hard book to write. If someone read The Note and then The Note 2 without knowing about the movie I wonder if it would be confusing since they made changes to The Note for the movie and then those changes are reflected in the second book.
Ooh, I'd love a copy - then I can give mine away on my blog!!
It's weird seeing Genie Francis in this role - 30 years ago this fall when I was a freshman in college (yikes!) Luke & Laura were the big deal on General Hospital and I remember everyone in the dorm hurrying home from class to watch!
Kathy beat me to my question, and Linda had another good question yesterday about the late husband. Also, I kept waiting for a link between Eve, the artist, and David, the developing artist. Is that a question? Clyde
P.S. I would love a book for my daughter.
I remember the Luke and Laura scenes, too. Her crazy mood swings used to drive me nuts!
Please enter me in the drawing!
Thanks for this BOM! Enter me in your drawing.
Blessings, Carlton!
go ahead and add me to the drawing! i bought the note on our honeymoon and loved it, and i'm excited to read the next one! although i have to admit i'm a bit disappointed that the storyline wasn't written by you, i'm still excited to read your take on the screenplay. was it frustrating for you to take the characters to a place you may not have wanted them to go? Did you have trouble adding the spiritual element to a script that was largely secular (even though i know you said it was written with a secular audience in mind)? Thanks!
i would love to win this book for my mother! she has a copy of every fiction book you've written all the way back to the original dreamer and cahira books. please put us in your drawing! jan
I just got home from Seattle. I am tired, but I had to read your blog.
Please enter me into the drawing for the book. I wandered through a hugh bookstore in Seattle hoping to find either and Angela Hunt or Lori Copeland book, but alas I walked out empty handed.
Please enter me in the drawing!
can't wait to read it since I loved the first one! I did see the movie finally and it was really good.
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