Friday, July 09, 2010

Because You Have Nothing Better to do Today


Anonymous said...

Thanks you VERY MUCH!! I have too much to do to be playing this game...but I can't help myself!! Oh dear, what shall I do?? (Go get another cup of tea and try again, that's what. LOL)

Really, Angie. Where do you come up with these things?

Anonymous said...

Castles, and catapults and rocks, oh my! Me thinks Angie may be trying to distract others writers. LOL

I moaned when I saw this, Angie. I remember how many late night hours I spent trying to succeed at the last one. I won't even go to this site until I get my required work done for the day. Hmm, or will I?

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant to preview, not post. I wouldn't make an "accusation" anonymously, even if it's in jest.

Blessings, Angie. And thanks for the fun,
Mary Kay

Angela said...

I so enjoyed wasting time with this game that I downloaded it to my iphone and ipad. Now I can waste time anywhere! Or maybe I can just call that "thinking time." Yes, that's it. :-)