Friday, October 01, 2010

Sometimes You Gotta Wonder About Some Parents . . .

First, I've never heard of a pacifier being called a "soother," but the word certainly makes sense. What DOESN'T make sense is these pacifiers . . . take a look and you'll see what I mean.

Would you have put one of those things in your darling baby's mouth? My kids never would take a pacifier, so I suppose that's sort of a blessing . . . though both of them still had to have orthodontia. Oh, well . . .

Hope your day is more beautiful than those "soothers!" LOL!



Mocha with Linda said...

People that get those should have their parenting license revoked! LOL

Kay Day said...

Actually, I think they're funny. I would have used some of them. :)

I called it a "passie" and my daughter turned that into an "owie," so that's what hers was called.

Then my son turned it into "ya-ya" so that's what his was called.

Anonymous said...

Somebody once grinned at Brodie and said "Give me some of what you're smoking!" so his soother became his "pipe". MAde for some interesting moments in the grocery store: "have you seen the baby's pipe?"

Anonymous said...

My Great-Grandson calls his a "stopper"

Anonymous said...

I think those "soothers" are HORRIBLE!!! They are there for the parents (if you can call them that) and not the babies. If you must give your baby a "soother," then give him a real one...loving arms that cradle him or at least a hug.

Like your children, Angie, mine did not like such things...he sucked his fingers since before he was born. And, yes, his mouth was a mess and the orthodontist made a lot of money off us!

Leslie said...

The "Pull here to sound alarm" his HILARIOUS and not at all disturbing like some of the others. I loved that one.

So what's with you all commenting about orthodontists? To kids who use pacifiers need orthodontists?