One of my projects for my two-month hiatus between novels was to "Kindle-ize" some of my older books that have gone out of print. So I'm happy to announce that one of my juvenile series, The Colonial Captives, is now available on the Kindle. And so is the nine-book Nicki Holland Mystery series.
The Colonial Captives series is aimed at grades 4-6 or thereabouts, and is based on the true fact that during the seventeenth century, homeless children were rounded up in the streets of London and shipped to the Virginia colony, where they had to work in indentured service until they had served their masters seven years. Lots of sea-going adventures.
The series was originally supposed to be eight books, but the storytelling plug got pulled. In any case, these four books are available for your child with a Kindle. :-)
The Nicki Holland Mysteries are geared for 4-8th graders. Nicki and her friends help their schoolmates and neighbors solve various mysteries in town and abroad.
Enjoy! Other children's titles will be available as I get them in the pipeline.
Hi Angie - I won a Kindle just before Christmas - yay - are any of your adult books "kindleized"? Marcia Laycock
Congratulations, Marcia. And yes, tons of my books have been Kindle-ized. Just look in the Kindle store!
This is great news, Angie! I have a question about "Kindleizing" books - what is the process involved? Does the author or publisher initiate the process? On CBD's website you can request that a book be put in Kindle form, but I wonder what happens to that request - does it really go someplace where that can be done? I've requested a few be put on Kindle, but I haven't seen any results. I love my Kindle and want to see more and more of my favorite authors on there!
Good question, Lynda. Any book that is still in print with a publisher has to be "Kindle-ized" by the publisher--IF the publisher bought e book rights (and most of them do these days).
For older books--if the rights have reverted to the author, the author can easily Kindle-ize their books. It's just a matter of cleaning up the file, uploading it, etc. The author can also set the price on older books he or she uploads.
But for newer books, the price and the process are in the hands of the publisher until the book goes out of print. A lot of publishers don't want to put books out of print these days because even if they run out of paper books, they can always sell ebook editions. Methinks this will soon be standard operating procedure, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. As an author, I like having control of my older titles.
The times, they are a-changing!
This is good news for our younger readers!
And thanks Lynda and Angie for asking and answering my question. Perhaps if the standard practice becomes not letting books go out of print, publishers will change the way they compensate authors? I can see where being caught under older-style contracts while publishers enter a new season would be hard. I have similar feelings when I sign an "all rights" contract for a short story. :-( Still, God is good.
Now that your train book is heading to publication, Angie, do you have another you're working on? (Can't we readers give you any rest?!)
Mary Kay
Publishing houses should not be so greedy,if they let books go out of print authors should get back control . The Colonial Captives series sounds great ,maybe I will read them too , just like I have read the " Little House On The Prairie " series as an adult .
I wish I knew what I'd be doing next, Mary Kay. I have several ideas, but I'm waiting for an idea to stand up and say, "Write me next!" Plus, I have to run it by my editor.
But in the mean time, I'm working on my theology components--doing exegesis of key verses on key areas of theology. It's going to take a while. :-)
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