Saturday, May 28, 2011

Checking in from the Big Apple

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've been in New York for the past four days, briefly attending BEA (the American booksellers' convention) and then being a tourist with my friend Terrri Blackstock. We did all the tourist things we'd never done before--we took a bike tour (someone else pedaled) around Central Park, we took a tour bus around the city, we went to the top of the Empire State Building, and we took the Staten Island Ferry to ride past the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. And we ATE--New York pizza, New York Cheesecake, New York deli foods. And we also walked miles and miles, learned how to navigate the subway (thank the Lord for iPhone apps), and we shopped a wee bit--honestly, only a little bit. :-)

The hubby and I are going back to NYC during December, so now I'll know my way around a little better and I know what I still need to see--a lot! I want to go to the museums and the zoo and so much more . . .

I'll post some pictures once I have a chance to get home and unload everything. Until then . . . if I can (beat) make it there, I'll make it (beat) anywhere . . . (or bus driver played that a LOT.)



Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time. Even authors need a break now and then. *smile* I love NYC...but only to visit and never to live. If it's not on your list for December and you haven't done so yet, visit the UN. Fascinating place. (My son set off the metal detectors there with his braces...great security! LOL)

Anonymous said...

Loved NYC ... lived for a couple of years in Tudor City across from the UN and later in Greenwich Village on Bank Street, where the only windows showed people's feet as they walked by! Walking is the best way to get around, and my favorite place to escape on a Sunday afternoon was The Cloisters. Clyde

Mocha with Linda said...

Sounds like such fun! Glad to know you've been having a good time and that you're not sick.