I first met Doni Brinkman a few years ago, via email. She'd read one of my books with an adoption theme, and she wrote to tell me that she enjoyed the book because she was an adoptive mother.
You may not have seen it, but Doni responded to my stem cell post of a few days ago. You see, Doni's first son was a "snowflake baby"--an adopted embryo. Tanner is now five years old, happy and healthy, and enjoying life in the Brinkman family with his little brother, Ty.
This is the link to the Brinkman family home page. Please visit, spend some time on their excellent and very informative site. The Brinkmans have investigated all sorts of reproductive technologies, and I think you can learn a lot by reading their story. It's worth visiting their home page just to see Don's beautiful photos of her family--she is such a great photographer!
And you'll get to see their adorable sons. :-) Thank you, Jim and Doni, for sharing your story with the world!
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