Today's photo: the white-faced Saki monkey.
Yesterday I blogged about animals, and how my heart goes out to them . . . and a few minutes ago I felt almost ashamed of that post. Because Lori, one of this blog's readers, sent me a link to an article about a girl named Katie--a nineteen year old girl who decided a few years ago to be the arms and heart of Jesus in Africa. Katie has a blog, too, and you can read it here.
I'm not saying it's wrong to care about animals. Far from it. But how can we care less about little children who are dying from starvation and malaria? Humans are created in the image of God, and I am often amazed at my own ability to watch movies where people are blown up all over the place without eliciting so much as a whimper from me . . . but show me a suffering dog, even a fictional dog, and I go to pieces.
I'm sure the answer lies in desensitization, in the simple fact that we hear so much bad news about people that our hearts are hardened to it. But I cannot claim to care for animals unless I care about people, especially babies (and unborn babies) and small children.
I hope you'll take some time today to peruse Katie's blog and ask the Lord what you might be able to do to help this young girl. Thanks.
*Spoiler alert for I am Legend*
I had this same thought when I watched I am Legend.
Everyone warned me about the dog. But nobody mentioned the fact that nearly every human in the world dies, including the man's family. Including the hero. Are we just used to it, like you said?
There was a thread on ACFW talking about how we can't show animals suffering in our books. Not that I want to, but it does seem that our perspectives have perhaps become a little off kilter.
I love animals. I cry when they are abused, mistreated, sick, whatever. But I need to care about people more. It is so easy for me to let my values be swayed by the world. NOT that I shouldn't care about animals. But people...where are people on the value scale these days?
Thanks for sharing this. I'm going to go look at her blog. And maybe, I'll be tender enough to cry a little.
She is doing an amzing thing! And, her joy in doing it shows through. I can tell it's genuine, and not just words. Thanks for sharing this.
Yes, Wow. I think lots of time we are so focused on our own little worlds we wear blinders to the needs of those around us. It can be overwhelming and maybe we think, "I'm just one person. What difference can I make?" But just reading her blog, one person can make a very, very big difference, eternally. :)
Like you, I tear up with animal cruelty, and therefore choose as much as is possible, not to expose myself to cruelty of any kind: against animals, humans, or verbiage. I guess I'm an ostrich.
What an extraordinary young woman! So many people (myself included) have had the desire and hopes to do what she is doing, but, for whatever reasons, we don't follow through. The Lord has put something very special in Katie ... I will contribute to her efforts and follow her blog and maybe, just maybe, follow-up on my plans to go to Rwanda at year's end. Clyde
This is a great topic for conversation. Have you read that editorial called the Darfur Puppy? I think it sheds some light on this. When you quote statistics about children dying, etc. it's impossible to connect with. It's just numbers and not people. But show someone an individual child who is suffering and the response rate increases. (that's part of why I love Compassion International) We need the some sort of relationship..a name etc, to connect with.
The thing is...it's not either/or. It's both. We should care about both.
and about the dog in I am Legend...that's totally different, b/c we had a chance to see how profound his relationship with the dog was and as an audience built a relationship with that dog. I did feel sorrow for the loss of his family but was unable to connect with that on the same level I felt the grief of the dog dying since I had known the dog and then saw it all play out.
I think also we often see animals as being innocent in a way, and when are mistreated or killed because of human action we feel a greater sorrow.
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