Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Country Quiz

I've been hard at work on SHE'S IN A BETTER PLACE, also known as "Fairlawn #3," so I haven't had time for thinking of much else.  

So here's a little something for you to try.  According to my score, I'm a "geography genius," but trust me, I didn't feel like a genius as I was trying to place these images.  Felt more like a dunce.  :-) (And if 70 percent is genius, well . . . that test is graded on a CURVE!) 

So . . . how well do you know the countries of the world?  Take this quiz and let me know how you did! 



  1. Anonymous5:43 PM


    however, that makes me a trans-continental superstar, so that's alright.

  2. 60%... some of those were surprising. Very interesting! :)

  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    70% - That is a lot harder with the countries out of context!

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I got 80%, I'm a Planet Prodigy. Of course I just started working as a vacation planner and took several geography classes before I started.

  5. Well, I wasn't very confident going in...
    I got a 30%. I'm a failure... :(
    Actually, I'm not sure I could get some of those even if they were on a map!

  6. I'm a genius, too, with 70%, but, like someone else said, I think I would have done better had they shown the countries in context of the continent, or at the very least given some idea of scale! I admit to guessing on more than a couple. : }

  7. Woohoo! 100% Global Know-it All. All those hours pouring over the Atlas paid off. Fun Quiz!

  8. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Trans-continental Superstar. Whew. That was hard!

  9. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Before deciding whether or not I wanted to do this, I decided to scroll through the comments to see if anyone had earned a 0.

    No one had, and I hated to be the first, so I think I'm gonna skip taking it.

    Yep, I'm THAT bad at geography.

  10. Had my kids take the quiz. My 15 year old scored 90% and my 12 year old scored 60%. Proud mama! :)

  11. I got a 60, but to be honest, most of it was luck. I thought they'd show you the map and just highlight the country, not just give you a shape!!

  12. Well I am in good company and surprised to be a genius with 70%! And I agree, seeing them out of context and with no concept of size was really hard. And a couple of them looked like states in the US to me. Good thing it was multiple choice, or I would have probably forgotten it was a quiz of countries and written those in!!

    At least I got the USA! Whew! :-)

  13. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Fun quiz, Angie. ditto the out of context and scale. But managed to guess correctly and get 100% I knew writing about Albania would pay off somehow!
    Mary Kay

  14. 60%, which seems to be about average.

  15. Anonymous5:30 PM

    100%. I really enjoy geography.

  16. Anonymous5:59 AM

    90% =) worldwide whiz
