Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Patches the horse

My aunt sent me a link to the following story--and I thought my dogs looked strange in the car!  As a kid, wouldn't you have loved having a horse like Patches?  

Patches the horse

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  1. My friend takes her goat to the Dairy Queen.

    I love the joyfully unexpected!

    Unless its a cat on a plane next to allergy-ridden me.

    When I get to heaven I'm going to have a passel of cats, a herd of long-haired dogs, and a polite zebra.

    Cause I like surprises!

  2. As a kid? Shoot, I'd love a horse like that now!
    I love him!

  3. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Wow, that was sweet. He behaves better than my two dogs in the car. But it does look a little strange seeing a horse in the car eating McDonald's hamburgers.....

    Thanks for the post.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Wow, that was sweet. He behaves better than my two dogs in the car. But it does look a little strange seeing a horse in the car eating McDonald's hamburgers.....

    Thanks for the post.

  5. okay, this video was hilarious. That horse really looked like it was enjoying the ride!!! I love it!

  6. lol I'm going to post this.
