Friday, July 31, 2009

Underwater Ahhs . . .

There's no real "point" or punch line to the video above--one of those sharks isn't going to suddenly gobble up the diver. But isn't it amazing?

When I was a kid, we used to go to the beach and I'd lie in the shallows and pretend I was a mermaid. Going to this aquarium might be the next best thing. :-)

Today's my deadline day . . . and I finished the manuscript yesterday. Just waiting on feedback from my collaborator, and then we're done with round one!



  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Mesmerizing! Congratulations on beating your deadline. Can't wait to see what it'll be. Clyde

  2. Ruthie5:49 PM

    It's like all the fish were swimming in slow motion. Would that our lives went that way!! *sigh*

  3. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Peaceful and enthralling. The scene almost appears computer-generated.

    Congratulations on beating your deadline, Angie. I thought it was June 29--and had been in awe of your calm composure at Glen Eyrie with only a few days til a deadline. But you are still amazing! When can you give us the details?

    God bless,
    Mary Kay
