Monday, September 07, 2009

Sniff, sniff. God and dog.

Thanks to LInda, who sent this to me. How sweet . . . and how true. No wonder I get teary-eyed whenever I hear a good dog story. I think it's because they are the best, most accessible example of God's unconditional love.

BJ Hoff recently wrote to me raving about Dean Koontz's latest book A BIG LITTLE LIFE: A MEMOIR OF A JOYFUL DOG. Mr. Koontz wrote to me after I wrote to him when his dog Trixie died, and I shared my letter with his book club. We all passed it around, each one reading a page, and most of us sobbing through it.

A big little life, indeed. Found in the heart of every dog.



  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Love this post. Love God and dogs and have experienced His uncondtional love.

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    In both your text and in that of the first commenter, the key word ... UNCONDITIONAL. Would that my cats and I could love that way. We are at least blessed to be recipients. Clyde
