Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Gender Genie

If you liked the left brain/right brain quiz, I have a feeling you'll like the gender genie.

I cam out more left-brained, which is typically (but obviously not always) male. But Leslie remarked that my writing style was different from most other women, and I knew she was right. And to prove it, I popped several paragraphs from THE FINE ART OF INSINCERITY (which is as girlie a book as I have EVER written) into the "gender genie" and here's the result:
Words: 2377

Female Score: 2954
Male Score: 3009

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

I did it again, testing with another passage, and came up with the same result. But I've always know that I write more like a man than a woman . . . and now I know it's because I'm just wired that way. :-)



Melissa said...

One of the things I've always like about your writing is that you aren't overly feminine in your style. Though I'm a woman, I don't care for novels that focus too much on romance. A bit of romance is ok, but too much, and I'll probably never read the author again. This is probably why the other authors I read are mostly male (Ted Dekker, Alton Gansky, Jerry B Jenkins, etc.) I do love Terri Blackstock also, though, and she's obviously a woman. However, I believe she writes more male, as well.

Mocha with Linda said...

I saw this on someone's FB the other week and tried it with some of my blog posts. Two came out male and the third identified me as female.

I thought it was interesting to look at the reasons. . .I wouldn't have thought certain verbs or prepositions would be male or femail!

Kay Day said...

I scored female on both of my samples. One is written from a woman's POV and the other from a teenage boy's.

Sara E. James said...

I really liked this one. A piece that I expected to come out male, did (it has a male main character) and the other came out female (but also has a male main character). Do you think that I need to work on the second one to be more masculine?
My blog entry came out female, which is to be expected.

Angela said...

No, Sara, I don't think you really have to work on it. I think it's just a matter of writing directly or not . . . and certain words the genie sees as "masculine" or "feminine." Take a look at the words it counted at the bottom of the screen and if you want to use more of them, you could, but I wouldn't sweat it.

Anonymous said...

Guess I think and write like a man, too, Angie. I'm very left-brained according to the previous test, so in this test I used a blog entry in which I talked about knitting, my faith, my grandchildren, and the weather. I thought it was a rather girlie least appealing to women more than men. But the Gender Genie said this entry was from a male:

Words: 934

Female Score: 1025
Male Score: 1227

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Sherry Kyle said...

I took both tests and it showed that I'm more left-brained (53%). I tried using 4 passages of my writing and 3 out of the 4 came back female. The one that came back male was in a male character's POV. That made me smile. :)

Very fun tests, Angie. Thanks for sharing!

Sherry Kyle said...

I took both tests and it showed that I'm more left-brained (53%). I tried using 4 passages of my writing and 3 out of the 4 came back female. The one that came back male was in a male character's POV. That made me smile. :)

Very fun tests, Angie. Thanks for sharing!