Saturday, February 26, 2011

Burrito Bison

You're going to hate me . . . because this stupid game is truly addictive. But there's something mesmerizing about the way that buffalo just bounces and bounces and bounces . . .

To try your hand at it (and murder a few minutes), go here.



  1. At first when I started, I was thinking--"Yeah, this won't be addicting. Looks kind of boring." 30 minutes later...Yeah, maybe it was a little addicting! Haha. Thanks!

  2. p.s. That was a genuine thanks for sharing the fun. Not sarcastic. :-)

  3. I played that longer than I wanted to.
    I'll tell you what's addicting. These grow games. You have to get everything on in the right order. I've completed them all at one time, but I don't remember how to do any of them.

  4. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Thanks, Angie, for another fun but silly game. It's 2:30 am and I'm just now going to bed after playing this game for a long time.

    Where on earth do you find such games??!!??

  5. That's as bad as Angry Birds. Someone recommended that for my iPad and I'm addicted. LOL
