Sunday, November 06, 2011

National Novel Writing Month

It's back! National Novel-Writing Month. So here's a video to help us celebrate!

Today I'm flying home from Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Christian Writers' Conference. Had a great time with new friends, old friends, and a former student from the single year I taught high school English!  Wonderful to be with so many folks who are enthused about writing, but I'm happy to be heading home now with a new book on my iPad.  :-)



  1. Haha! That was pretty funny! You all were very cute. I loved the dancing in the rain!

  2. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Last night in my sleep I had this GREAT idea for a novel. Alas, this morning it will remain unwritten...I can't remember the plot!! Oh well. That's why I'm not a published author...I sleep away all my great ideas.

    Loved the video, though, especially the ice cream part. LOL

  3. I loved the part of Lewis's advice that says, "if you have no interests, you won't be a writer?" Well, all my other reading other peoples books, keep me busy!! Like doing these blogs hops!! Love them!

    Connie R.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I remember this video and absolutely adore it. You guys are great. And Angie, I thought you'd found the perfect day to dance in the rain. But see you made your own. Another good visual for writers needing to get BIC.

    Mary Kay
