Monday, February 06, 2006

(Almost) too good to be true

I hope you're still reading for the 90-Day-Bible Challenge! Yesterday we had the delightful story of Esther, and now we're into Job, the oldest book in the Bible. The more I read Job, the more I see this as an example of God's sovereignty--we are his to do with as He wills, but we are never to blame him for the ills he sends our way.

I watched an incredible movie yesterday--TO END ALL WARS. It's got some rough violence in it, as it's about prisoners in a WWII prison camp, but there was also so much gospel truth! I highly recommend it.

Now, onto something pretty cool. Tyndale House Publishers is granting me an opportunity to give away free copies of MAGDALENE as soon as it rolls off the presses. All we ask in return is that you read it and tell someone about it. Pretty cool, huh?

I'm only allowed a limited number, so first come, first served. I'll keep a list, and when my number has been fulfilled, I'm afraid that's it.

If you'd like to be placed on the list, I need you to send me an email with your address and "Magdalene" in the subject line (so I can find your note amid all the spam). For your own privacy, please don't leave your address in the comments section.

Send your note to Angie at (use the symbol) If you get the book sometime in March, you'll know you were one of the first to get your name in.




Ruth said...

I just sent you an email...hope I made it! :-)

Angela said...

Maybe all those names are so we'll know people when we're introduced in heaven. :-)

In any case, I think there are stories between the lines . . . like the story of Ahithophel's relationship to Bathsheba.

Soldier on!


Anonymous said...

Ruth pointed me your way. I just sent you an E-mail and am hoping I made it as well!!!