Howie Hugemouth is another favorite of mine . . . and another that was inspired by my son (he had an exceptionally loud voice as a baby).
I wanted to write an adoption story, but, as always, when you write for children, the message has to be delivered inside a charming tale. So I wrote about Howie, who was adopted by a family who had to learn how to deal with his huge mouth. The story is told from the older sister's point of view, and she's not quite sure how she feels about Howie, either.
In any case, the book was published by Standard, it's now out of print, but you can get it for a quarter on Amazon! Whee!
Tonight was supposed to be a meeting of my book club but . . . .the Ohio State championship game knocked it back a month. My husband has been wearing OSU shirts for two months, so he can't wait for the game. Onward, Bucs!
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