Sunday, August 05, 2007

BOM: The Editing

After I'd finished the "submission draft" of The Truth Teller, my editor invited me to visit the Bethany House editorial offices. I happily accepted and enjoyed my visit to Minnesota, and I especially enjoyed hearing about how they were about to elect a wrestler (wasn't it?) to be their governor.

In one meeting we had about the book, my editor suggested a minor plot reversal. I understood why she suggested it, and I'd tell you what it is, but that would spoil the book for anyone who wants to read it. Let's just say that I had a certain experiment working, and they wanted the experiment not to work. Since it wasn't a big deal and wouldn't really affect the story outcome, I agreed.

Writing a book is a team process. I've heard it called a duet between author and editor, but it's often even larger than that. The entire team works to get the message from author to reader, and nothing gets done without a team effort.

News flash: Today I received my FIRST copy of DOESN'T SHE LOOK NATURAL?, hot off the press. It's really lovely--the colors are very vibrant and very pink and green. :-)

Today I cleaned out my technology stash--sold some old cell phones over the internet and THREW AWAY my old pocket PC and dozens of cords that used to go to who knows what. Kinda sad, how quickly our gadgets become obsolete.

Tomorrow: results and reader reaction for the Truth Teller.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

LOVE the cover of the new book!