Monday, January 03, 2011

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Cupcake

My book club meets tonight, and our book for this month was "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie." Cute book, and I've a hunch it will be well-received.

To commemorate the occasion, I baked Pecan Pie Cupcakes, and because someone on facebook asked, here's the recipe:

1 box german chocolate cake mix
1 cup whole milk
1 stick butter, softened
5 eggs
1 t. vanilla
3/4 cup dark corn syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar, packed
1 1/2 cups pecans, chopped or halved

Mix together cake mix, milk, butter, three eggs, and vanilla. Pour an even amount in 24 muffin molds (2 cupcake pans--this will make 24).

In a separate bowl, mix together corn syrup, brown sugar, two eggs. Then stir in chopped pecans. Divide nut mixture evenly among all the cupcakes, about 1 spoonful each.

Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes. Allow cakes to cool completely--the filling will set and sink to the bottom. Dust with powdered sugar.

(I dusted mine with lots of sugar, and it all disappeared. I think it melted into the cake, so maybe you should wait until after the cakes have cooled completely before dusting.) :-)

(Wonder if you can make calories disappear in like fashion?)




Mocha with Linda said...

Yum. I think the calories do more like the filling - sink to the bottom!

Anonymous said...

Scrumptious sounding. Oh yeah, it sounds like it needs sugar on top--not.

Linda, calories sinking to the bottom--too funny. But too true. :-/

Another book to slip into the "To be Read" stack.

Mary Kay

Anonymous said...

They were delicious! Thanks, Angie.


Southern-fried Fiction said...

Thank you, Angie! I'm going to get the book, too.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like anything that would remotely fulfill the decades long desire to try to curb eating in the New Year, but I'm copying the recipe for one of those moments when I "fall". Will say again, "YUM!!!" Clyde

Beverly Nault said...

Anything made with pecans...and chocolate! has to be good. Did anyone else notice that pecans were priced as gold this season? Didn't slow us down from baking with them, though. (Linda, you crack me up!) Thanks, Angie!