Some writing pals and I are going to participate in the "The Bible in 90 Days" challenge beginning January 1. Would you like to join us? You can simply by saying so in a comment, and you can make it official by signing up at the official web site: http://www.biblein90days.com/challenge. (HT to Robin Lee for the link!)
Every other year I read the Bible through in a year, but I think there's something to be gained by reading it in a more concentrated fashion. After all, can you imagine reading Gone with the Wind at a pace of only a page or two per day? The experience would be . . . diluted, and by the time you reached the point where Melanie dies, you'd have forgotten all those nice details Scarlett fantasized about her "adversary" back when she was dressing for the barbeque. (Okay, well, maybe you wouldn't have forgotten completely, but you see my point.)
I think God will be honored if we treat his Word as something more to be dribbled out at a rate of a tablespoon a day. The 90 day challenge is twelve pages per day (if you use the special 90 day Bible available from Zondervan), so that's about the same pace I use when I'm reading through a writing craft book. It's enough to sink my teeth into, but not so much that it all goes over my head.
I believe God honors us when we honor his Word, and I believe His Word is filled with power. I'm anxious to apply that power to my life, so I hope you'll join us. Let me know if you will!
You can use your own Bible (I suspect you can simply take the number of text pages and divide by 90 to determine your pace), or order the special 90 day Bible (the individual daily readings are marked). If you're using the special Bible, you'll literally be on the "same page" if you pop into a discussion group . . . or this blog. :-)
Happy reading!
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