I'm sure there are some folks who think that life in a youth pastor's family must be one long vacation. After all, every year there's summer camp, every week there are activities, every day seems like a party, right?
You'd be right about the busy schedule, though. I think our family has taken exactly two planned vacations--once we took the kids to Gatlinburg, where we rented a cabin for a few days. We drove past dozens of adorable cabins on the side of a mountain, then we found ours--it was named "Daisy," and it reminded me of the Clampett's shed from "The Beverly Hillbillies." It was snug and warm and dry, but it also had a heart-shaped tub smack in the middle of the living room . . . ah, memories.
A few years later, when we realized the kids were growing up FAST, we splurged and took the family to Hawaii. Of course, our kids (who are 17 months apart) weren't what you'd call fast friends, so my daughter and I travelled together while hubby and son sat in another section of the plane. Ditto for the sleeping arrangements. We booked a suite--daughter and I shared a room, hubby and son slept in the living room on fold-out furniture.
But it was fun.
And now that the nest is almost empty, hubby and I are going on vacation - ALONE!
I travel a LOT during the year, but it's always for work. Until lately, we've never been able to take off the same week and travel together--for one thing, we had a man-eating dog that couldn't be trusted with just anyone. But she has passed away and though I miss her, it's a relief to not have to worry about her.
So early Monday morning we are flying west and boarding a Very Big Boat that will take us to Alaska--the only state I've never visited. So I'll take lots of pictures and lots of notes. And you can bet Alaska will probably pop up in a book somewhere, sometime soon.
I've pre-written my BOM blogs for the first part of June, but I'm not sure how dependable internet access will be. So until I return, Lord willing, have a great week!
I'll be on vacation!