It's over--Alias has ended a five-year-run. Last night I felt like the proverbial headless chicken--my book club met to discuss DANIEL ISN'T TALKING (well-received, probably an average of three stars), then I had the finale of 24 up against the final finale of Alias. I was watching Alias on the computer and 24 on the tiny TV in my office, muting/sounding alternate sets as the commercials rolled across.
What can I say? My favorite TV shows, the only ones I make a point to watch, and they're both gone now. Fortunately, they're on the Internet, so I'll be able to make copies and watch them again.
Alias was one of the most deeply-layered shows on television. I can see why viewership fell off in the latter years--if you didn't stay up to date, it'd be easy to get Lost (pun intended--the creator of both shows is J.J. Abrams). If you like emotional drama, espionage, a little science fiction, and action, I suggest that you get the first season on DVD and watch it. If you're not hooked, okay. But I have a hunch you will be.
Well, I have a busy week ahead so I'd better get moving. Alaska? Hubby and I are going on a week-long Alaskan cruise in honor of our 25th anniversary--which we weren't able to celebrate last year. So I guess we're celebrating 26 years now. (VBG)
P.S. Regarding 24: Horray for Martha Logan! Poor woman was married to such a weenie . . .
Have a great day!
The season finale of 24 was awesome. I feel so bad for Jack. Next season should be AMAZING.
Hey Angie,
Well we share the same television obsessions. My husband and I don't have live t.v., so we watch the entire season of 24 via Netflix in the span af two weeks. Talk about stress! Next on your list needs to be Lost.
jenn (jenndoucette.blog-city.com)
I was crying at the end of Alias (I could have handled it if they had just killed Irina, or just killed of Jack, or just killed off Grace, but to kill off all three was way, way too much).
And I echo what the others have said, you really need to give Lost a try (if you haven't). It had a really rough start at the beginning of this season, but it has really picked up steam.
I am also Lost obsessed. The only other show I've ever liked as well is Northern Exposure.
Angie - first of all you really need to purchase a DVR or Tivo! LOL! I had to watch both of these finale's as well (and American Idol and Lost) and thought FOX did great with 24 but Alias struggled to the end. My theory as a mommy is that Alias started losing it's audience when they violated every code of motherhood in regards to how they handled Syndney's pregnancy. Any emotional attachment we woman had to that character started to dissapait watching a 9 month pregnant woman still participating in "save the world" missions with never a comment about "what about my babies life"! Sheeesh!
As for Lost, can't wait to see what YOU wrote in "Uncharted"! Have had the book on order for a month!
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