The other day I had to pinch myself--I had the feeling I'd become a character in one of my novels.
I learned, you see, that one of my good friends from high school had become a genuine, bona-fide, nationally-renown Elvis Impersonator. Not just any Elvis impersonator, mind you, but a certified ETA, or Elvis Tribute Artist.
According to Jack's web page, http://www.lstproductions.com/
ETAs don't try to make you think you're seeing Elvis. They want to perform his music as a tribute to him.
I've always known that Jack could sing like Elvis. We were in choir together in high school, plus Jack used to (and still does) live around the corner from my parents. For a while there he'd drive past my house every night and honk the horn as he turned the corner--always made me smile to look up from the book I was reading and know that Jack was driving by.
Jack used to sit behind me on the school bus and tease me--about what, I don't remember. I do remember that he called me "Well Well" (my maiden name was "Elwell"), and that he, like me, was a believer, but he went to the Pentecostal church while I was a born and bred Baptist. Such differences seemed huge then, though they matter not a whit to me now.
Anyway, Jack and I were good buddies, and I'm delighted that he's found something he loves to do and is having good success in his field. He's coming to Largo for a concert on September 2nd, so I'm going to get tickets. Hubby is up for it, and so am I, even though Elvis was more of my mother's generation than mine. (I fell in love with the Monkeys and the Partridge Family.)
But when he comes to town, I won't be going to the concert hall to honor Elvis. I'll be going to see Jack. For old times sake.
Oooh, how fun! I LOVE Elvis' music!
Nice story.
As with you, a large number of us will be at Jack's show at the Largo Cultural Center in Largo on Sept. 2, not because we are huge Elvis fans, but because we are MAJOR JACK SMINK FANS!
Kathy, on behalf of the Jack Smink Fan Club and its members
Hi and thanks for sharing your story with us. I 'met' Jack through Kathy (Fan club president) and my web site TopDogCity. My site hosts tribute skyscrapers to various artistes and yes, Jack has one thanks to his wonderful fans. Jack is very supportive and I'm proud to have 'met' both him and Kathy (also a wonderful person). Feel free to pop over to his building and add your free brick in support and tribute to Jack!
Kind regards and gretings from Scotland,
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