The Justice is one of those books that people either love . . . or don't. I'm at the point in life, you see, where I write the story that God has placed on my heart. If it rocks somebody's boat, that's not my intention, but sometimes it happens. I know I can't please everyone, so I try to be as wily as a serpent and as harmless as a dove.
I have an ideal reader, God bless her (and a few hims), and my ideal reader isn't threatened by questions or offended when sinners act like sinners . . . or even when believers occasionally do the same.
So . . . here's a sampling of my reader mail about The Justice.
Dear Mrs. Hunt:
I took one book with me on vacation this past week...The Justice...and was bitterly disappointed in the worldly lustful slant in the first of my readings from it. Had I had the ususal several books with me, I would have put it down immediately but kept hoping it would get better. I got as far as Paul's time in Washington and finally decided that my mind didn't need to dwell on such immorality.
I am sorry you felt the pressure of the world in creating a woman with the quest for power and the morals to match. I am sorry I cannot have the same trust in Word Publishing as I had prior to selecting this book from our library. I will report my observations to the library in the form of a copy of this letter along with the encouragement that they avoid further selections of books authored by you.
Name withheld
Dear Angie:
When I was reading THE JUSTICE, I had a feeling that there was going to be some backlash because of Daryn's sexual activity and history, also the abortion. I started praying when I read it, and I don't believe that the story could have gone any other way. That was the character, and that was the life she'd lived, and it contributed to the choices she made along her journey.
Daryn struck me as a very modern woman with some very modern challenges to overcome. I was glad to see in your email that your purpose isn't to provide "wholesome entertainment." There's a place for that, and for people who need and enjoy it, and there is also a place for those who, like you, confront the real life issues that many people can relate to. This is hard, this is gritty, this is real life. It's war, and we're in the trenches. It can be ugly, it can be rough, it can be painful. That's why it's so blessedly beautiful when we invite Jesus in to fix the whole wretched mess. Don't change a thing.
What struck me most about Daryn's journey was the difference in the way she approached life before and after learning the truth. That's universal. We can only work on what we know. I have been highly recommending THE JUSTICE and your other books, and will continue to do so.
Dear Angie:
I am not sure if you personally read your e-mail, or due to volume, your staff does. Nevertheless, I wanted to comment on '"The Justice" which I just finished devouring! Excellent!
I am wondering about the ending; you seem to have left it "open" to further develop the story. Will Daryn ever come to know the love of God and be reconciled with what she has done? Also, even though she was quite a dastardly character I couldn't help but feel sorry for her having to resign the presidency, especially since she was the first female president. I wished that Jehu had thrown his flame and she had been burned just enough to hinder the dispatch of her duties, thus giving her a graceful way to resign and time to reflect on spiritual things as she recuperates from her wounds. I am a softie: I like her because she was strong and determined (though deceived) and felt sorry for her at the end.
I love your books and appreciate your writing style about God without delivering a sermon! Keep it coming.
Angie here again: On Amazon.com, right below a review that said "This was not a good book," I found this review:
As a lawyer and government/history buff, I found this book intriguing. As a writer and a Christian, I was delighted by how well written it is. Not all Christian fiction is of this high quality. I especially applaud Ms. Hunt's great job of handling the lead characters' sin realistically/honestly without dragging us through the mud. An entertaining, uplifting, and thought-provoking read.
So there you have it--the gamut of reaction.
Tomorrow: your questions and answers. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments. Thanks!
when i read The Justice, it wasn't Daryn I had problems with, but Clive and his twisted way of Christian thinking. it made me cringe everytime i read his justification for his actions (especially when he used the computers in the school). it's scary to think about how there are people that really think like that. what was it like to write a character who has such a warped view of the Christian faith?
Hi Angie,
I wanted to comment on The Justice but with the new blog design I couldn't find where the comments went. Now I see them.
I read this book a long time ago and LOVED it, but was quite stunned at the ending. I don't want to give it away here, but would love to know your thoughts on how you came to end it that way.
You can tell how it impacted me by how this many years later I still remember it even though a lot of the details others have brought up have escaped me.
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