Here we go again--I don't remember much about the writing because it happened a long time ago. I do remember really getting into the heads of the three women, especially Miriam. She saw so many miracles and was such a leader among the people, and yet she fell into the sin of bitterness just like anyone else.
Ironically, that's one comment I often hear about my book MAGDALENE. I portrayed that other Miryam as carrying a burden of bitterness even after she met the Savior, and I've had people say that they find that incredible.
I don't. The disciples still squabbled among themselves after the Lord's ascension, and they were still human, even though they had witnessed miracles and performed a few themselves (through the power of Christ).
Yet even though we may be born again and filled with the Spirit, when we turn our hearts away from following the Lord, we can fall prey to any number of human frailties. Bitterness, envy, anger, jealousy, pity--these were Miriam's problems, and the Lord had to humble her even after her great victories.
There's a humbling lesson in her story. For all of us.
Tomorrow: The editing
I think the Magdalene's failures after her encounter with the Lord are part of what makes her so human! She had been healed in such a tremendous way; so have I. And yet, in your book, she still fell away, still lost her grip on that solid rock; so have I, again and again. And yet, He never lost His grip on her, or on me! Praise the Lord!
I know that in the ancient world, your name was to portray a part of yourself (reasons why Abram became Abraham, Saul to Paul, etc) Considering that the root of Miryam (and Mary) means bitterness, is it any suprise that would be what the enemy would use to attact a person? Hmm.... Ok, that may be stretching it quite a bit :)
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