Okay, I'll admit it--I am not a natural redhead. In fact, I'm not sure what my natural color is anymore. I was blonde growing up, and the blonde darkened, and now, if I don't make it to the salon in time, I have a gray fringe that creeps in around my hairline.
A couple of years ago I was in London and happened to pick up a British tabloid. On the editorial page I found a column written by a "ginger-haired" woman--a red-head. She wrote of how she'd been teased, criticized, and looked down on in Britain because of her ginger-colored hair. She reminded her readers that Prince Charles had made a disparaging remark upon learning that Prince Harry's hair was "ginger-coloured." And so, the columnist finished, she was going to America where red-heads were celebrated.
While I'm confessing that I'm not a natural red-head, I should also add that I do lay a distant claim to the color, as many of my cousins ARE natural gingers. (See photo--that's cousins Alyce, Belinda, me, and Melissa).
I decided to address the topic of ginger-prejudice (which isn't so marked in the U.S., I admit) after stumbling across this web page--which contains some of the most beautiful photos of ginger-headed folks I've ever seen. Aren't those babies adorable?
So if you have ginger-hair--no matter how you got it--remember that while Blondes may have more fun, my hairdresser says "redheads are remembered!" :-)
And a happy Valentine's day to all of you!
I'm a ginger head and so is my 9 month old son! YAY for red-heads, natural or otherwise :)
My hair doesn't have much color at all anymore with out help! And my gray is the ugly kind. Why is it dinstinguished on men and ugly on women?
Happy red-headed Day!
I guess you know it's a natural red if it comes with the corresponding temper?! LOL
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm currently letting my hair go back to its natural colour just because I'm curious.
It's a lovely look right about now (not!)
I'm a natural red-head, although not as red as many. Mine is more a cross between blond and red, with more and more gray beginning to be mixed in. I noticed while looking at the link that there were 149 comments. It must have sparked a lot of interest in Britain!
I wonder why it's looked down on so much over there? Because of the Celtic associations, I suppose.
Red is my favorite but not hubby's.
My hair naturally has a lot of red in it, though.
I was born a redhead, but it changed by the time I was six-months old to blonde. My mom LOVED my red hair, but I admit, I don't mind being blonde. Angie, you look great as a red head. Some people can pull it off better than others.
I think red-headed kids are absolutely the cutest things ever. And yes, I am one of those old ladies who always has to draw attention to your red hair. Most children, particularly girls, hate their hair until they're older and then they realize what a precious minority they are. I think kids are self conscious of it because we all make over it. Shame on those who look down on anyone based on their hair color.
what a fun topic for valentine's day!
you and your cousins could pass for sisters! especially you and melissa!
hurray for red heads!
I didn't read the rest of the comments: I will go back. I have a redheaded daughter the rest of us are some shade of brown (although my husband's salt is starting to out number his pepper). My red head is also the middle child and the quieter of the 3 kids. People would oooo and ahhh over her hair almost anywhere we went. I would get the occasional "milkman" comment ;-( One day when she was about 4 years old we went in and out of a store with no comments on her red hair. She very innocently said, "Mommy, how come no one in there said anything about my hair."
I love my redhead!
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