Some of you may be aware of a controversy that has erupted over the movie THE END OF THE SPEAR. Before you believe the allegations that are being bandied about, or before you urge others to boycott a powerful, life-changing film, please take a moment to read the following two articles linked here.
My friend Randy Alcorn has written an article to address this issue, and he has spoken with all the parties involved. Please take the time to read these two articles.
Randy's article: http://www.epm.org/articles/end_spear_response.html
Steve and Mart's answers: http://www.epm.org/articles/end_spear_chad_allen.html
Hubby and I watched the movie last Saturday. With no idea of the controversy linked to the actor in the show; I only saw my Lord reaching down with love and mercy.
I told my hubby (before I read your blog today) there's no telling how this movie will impact the man who played Nate. God's hand is reaching into his life - I just know it. That's the kind of God I serve...
I had heard about this controversy, but only that Chad Allen was gay (I actually knew that awhile ago, since I'm a fan of Dr. Quinn and stumbled across the information once). I had no idea there wer so many false accusations and such being spread, although I was sure that there would be controversy.
I believe that God will use this movie no matter what. I pray that through this all Chad isn't hurt to the point that he views Christians and God as something he wants nothing to do with.
I haven't seen the movie --yet-- but I plan on it. Yes, I knew Chad Allen was a homosexual activist, and I know he is a talented actor, and I know God gave Chad his talent in the first place, so to me it's entirely appropriate that it's used to tell a story that glorifies God.
I hope that Chad was treated with love and respect while immersed in the environment of the filming process, and that seeds have been planted in his life that can bloom into a real, live relationship with Christ. I do believe Chad was cast for a reason.
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