Yesterday, during lunch, I read Lisa Samson's new book, Apples of Gold. Wow. As a youth pastor's wife, I often talk to our young girls about the need for sexual and moral purity, but I love how Lisa illustrates the lesson in a parable. This book won't release until August, but it's available now for pre-ordering at your favorite bookstore. (And yes, you really can read it in a matter of minutes. You'll want to take your time, though, to savor every word and the meaning underneath the story.)
And, LOL, it was encouraging to see that I'm not the only one who needs to begin a healthy eating program! Okay, here's how it will work: you decide on whatever program works for you--Weight Watchers, Weigh Down, counting calories, LA Weight Loss, Jenny Craig--I've done almost all of those, and I'm here to testify that any of them work if you stick to them faithfully and stay on the program long enough.
Aside: the late Dear Abby used to often get letters from people who wanted to go back to school, but goodness, "it'll take four years to get a degree." And she'd reply: "And how old will you be in four years if you don't get the degree?" Ah, I get it. We can get disciplined now and have a lighter future, or we can keep procrastinating and eating without limits and be four years heavier in four years. See my point?
Okay, back to the program: You choose what you want to do and let's all report in on Mondays. The rest of the week this blog will be what it always is (ha--as if that's definable!), and we'll save the food talk for Mondays.
Don't forget that on May 1 (which also happens to be Monday), we begin a new BOM feature. May's book will be THE CANOPY. Ah, that one was fun!
Okay--have a lovely Friday, stick to your program, and if you have a daughter, be sure to order your copy of Apples of Gold!
Thanks so much for the kind mention, Angie!
Angie - Oooh, I can't wait. The Canopy is one of my favorites of your novels. And if you're open to requests for one of the upcoming months, I'd love to hear about the writing process on The Immortal.
I already put Apples of Gold on my Amazon wish list for my daughter so that when my referral gift certificate comes in I'm all set.
Okay! Tell you what--we need to do UNCHARTED in June because that's it's release month, but we'll do THE IMMORTAL in July. I've made a note of it!
UNCHARTED sounds fascinating. The little blurb I read on Thomas Nelson's website reminded me just a bit of Agatha Christie's AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. (Yeah, random, I know? LOL!) My "plan" really isn't going to get going till this weekend...so I don't know that I'll have much to report this Monday...but here's to taking the first steps! I'm reading Dave Ramsey's FINANCIAL PEACE and he talks a lot about the "baby steps" you take to take control of your finances...same with dieting, methinks...every small step, every new habit I want to develop will lead to a healthier me!
Sorry to just go on and on...have a great weekend!
I am reading The Proposal right now so I am curious about that one for later this year perhaps? I also have posted my review of Madgalene on Amazon.
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