However--many of them are still in print or are available through's used books. Only the ones which are rare (like "Long Hair") are expensive.

The idea for The True Princess came to me as I was thinking about what makes a person a Christian. A lot of people claim to be, yet Jesus said that people will come up to him, claiming to be his followers, and he will say, "Sorry, but I never knew you."
So--what makes the difference? Some people look like Christians and talk like Christians, but do they really love the King?
So I turned the idea into a parable about a king's daughter. The king has to go away, and the daughter is left in the care of her nanny, who teaches her how to dress herself, feed herself, and serve others.
And when the king returns many years later, other girls in the kingdom try to pass themselves off as princesses--by dressing in beautiful robes and acting the way they think a princess should act. But the father recognizes his daughter at the back of the room--not because of what she looks like, but because she is willing to serve him out of a heart of love.
The book was first published by Chariot/Victor, and has recently been picked up by Charisma Kids. It's one of my favorite books, one that teaches through parable, which is still my favorite way to teach. As I said, I've never liked didactic children's books. Kids are far brighter than we think they are.
I remember once talking about this story to a group of students. I asked who the nanny represented, and a young boy flung up his hand with the correct answer: "the Holy Spirit!" I've known adults who couldn't figure that out, but it was clear to that boy. :-)
That's one of the reasons I love working with kids. They're brilliant.
Yeah, I wonder if we get too 'logical' as we get older...
I read this book at a mother-daughter tea last summer. The girls--and the moms--loved it. Angie, some of your picture books are available in public libraries.
It is a favorite among our children. Thank you for sharing what thought inspired you to write this book. I am one of the adults that did not get your message. I took it as a book forming the character of the princess into Christ-likeness, which I guess it still could be since those that truly love the King live lives that show it.
Thank you for providing such a sweet story to help us teach our children Christ-like character. May we, as parents, exemplify Him in our own lives in order for our children to see it modeled in and through us!
I did not mention the fact that our online bookstore - Faith and Family Books at - carries The True Princess. I had not heard of most of your other ones. They sound just as good :-)
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