Drum roll, please. Last week Mandisa and I finished her book and handed it in. IdolEyes, her story, should release in June, just in time for the American Idol season six finale.
I've never been more than a hit-and-miss viewer of American Idol--the early episodes are like a train wreck (excruciating, but impossible to turn away from), and I don't get the whole vote-as-many-times-as-you-want thing. Seems undemocratic that anyone should get more than one vote, but I suppose it's impossible to regulate.
But I learned a lot about AI while working on this book, and I was very impressed with Mandisa's spirit and her testimony. Best of all, the girl never missed a deadline! Whoa!
For those of you who are curious about how a book is co-written, the process went like this. Carol, our editor, and I flew up to Nashville and spent a day with Mandisa, and she told us all about her AI experience. I sketched out a rough outline and together we figured out a work schedule.
Then I went home and wrote up everything she told me in the interview. I sent her draft one, which came in at something like 38,000 words--not nearly enough for a full book. Carol and I suggested some places where she needed to "write more," and she did. She took a couple of weeks to do so, then sent it back to me.
We ping-ponged the manuscript this way through November and December and finished up last week. I think you'll find this story informative, entertaining, and yes, educational. Veddy interesting, especially if you're a fan of Idol.
So look for IdolEyes later this summer!
Angie, you sly dawg you--I had no idea you were doing this book. Is there any corner of the world I can go and find you're NOT writing in it?
Rock on, beautiful babe.
Very cool. Mandisa was amazing last year when she sang Shackles during the competition. Can't wait to read her book. And sheesh, girl, are you writing 24/7 or what?
Angie, I would love to read the book. It goes without saying that I'm a huge fan of your writing, and I was a major supporter of Mandisa when she was on AI. She is gracious, beautiful and has an amazing voice. Can't wait to read the book!
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