Tuesday, September 06, 2011

BOM: Results and reader reaction

I was thrilled when THE SHADOW WOMEN was a finalist in a couple of major awards. But by far the most thrilling thing happened when . . .

Well, let me back up.

In 2002, right after The Shadow Women released, my husband and I moved into a new neighborhood. Our reputation preceded us (it's a small neighborhood), and I was trying hard to be a friendly Christian, not a self-righteous one. I gave most of the neighbors on my street a copy of one of my books, and I wanted to give a book to the Jewish family that lived on the next block.

So one night I walked over and knocked on their door, introduced myself, and said, "Would you like a book?"

The woman replied, a little dubiously, "Is it Christian?"

I held it up. "It's about Moses."

So she took it. And a month later she stopped by while I was sweeping out my garage and said she'd enjoyed the book. And would I be willing to come and speak to the ladies' group at her synagogue?

You bet! I prayed about it for several days, and spoke to several people who have worked with Jewish people--should I avoid mentioning the name of Christ? Should I try to be more overt? How, exactly, should I be a testimony of Jesus in a modern synagogue?

The advice I received was this: "Be yourself, be honest, don't try to strategize. Just be true to your testimony."

So I was. I talked about how I accepted Christ as a child and grew up in a home that studied the Scriptures. How the Lord had led me to become a writer. How I wrote stories to honor Him. And how, beginning with the time God sent Nathan to David with a story of a man and his beloved lamb, God had been using Story to convict and sway the hearts of men. I told them truthfully that I have had a love for the Jewish people for years . . .

And you know what? That was one of the warmest receptions I have ever received anywhere. I gave a copy of my Joseph novel to every woman and left a stack of books for their library.

And all because of Moses and the women who shadowed his life.

Tomorrow: any questions? Be sure to leave them in the comments box and I'll answer them tomorrow!



Anonymous said...

Well I would have had questions but you answered them all in the Q&A in the back of the book :)

Kay Day said...

What an amazing opportunity, Angie! That is so cool!

I haven't read this one yet, but I am looking forward to it now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Angie. I love this testimony and have told it many times as a beautiful example of how Christians can impact Jewish lives.

Few Christians know the incredible impact and opportunity they have to share the love of the Messiah to a Jewish person. It's about relationships--true relationships.

What Angie did was share her love of the bible and ultimately what came through was authentic love--the sweet fragrance of Yeshua.

Although I am a firm believer in sharing the good news--especially to the Jewish people (to the Jew first, Rom. 1:16)--however, God also calls the non-Jewish believers to "comfort" the Jewish people (Is. 40:1) as a way of preluding the good news (Is. 40:9ff). This is what Angie did.

Perhaps someday she'll be able to give the good news, but maybe not; maybe God called her to break up the hard ground and someone else will plant the seeds of salvation.

Is there a Jewish person in your life? Someone God has placed a burden of love on you? Begin with authentic love, as Angie did.

BTW, my website has a list of Messianic prophecies. Go to www.terrigillespie.com, click on Jewish Roots, then Free Stuff.

Sorry for the shameless plug, Angie. You can delete.


Mike, Deb & Webster said...

What an amazing story...I love hearing that your opportunity to share your testimony and then receive such a warm welcome from these precious women mean more to you then book awards. That's really what it's all about isn't it! Thank you for sharing Angie.
BTW, though I am new to your blog I have numerous books of yours on my library shelf. I have enjoyed each one immensely. I am looking forward to reading more in the future.

Leslie said...

Terri - you just received a FB invite from me :) We need to connect :) I hope that Angela didn't mind your plugging :)