Last night my husband and I participated in our little neighborhood's annual progressive dinner. We've done it three or four times now, and every time we do it we have a delightful time.
The main reason we decided to participate is our conviction that you can't be salt and light in your community unless you get out of the salt shaker. Years ago, because the event is held on a Sunday night, we would have automatically sent our regrets. And then we began to realize that there are times when a believer's best place is NOT in the pew--it's with their neighbors.
So tonight we furnished the appetizers and welcomed our neighbors to our home, then we went on to another house for soup and salad, then we went to another home for desserts. (One year we also included entrees, but it took no time at all to realize that was just TOO MUCH FOOD.)
And in every home we socialized with our neighbors, we laughed, we shared concerns, and we got to know them as people. Neighbors don't do that so much any more--we're all too busy working and going about our daily lives. We learned that Lisa grew up in Lynchburg, where we lived ten years, and that Judy and Bud were among the first families in our county, and that Becky met John in college, that Barb enjoys tailgating and rooting for the Bucs, and that John and his son are really into texting. :-)
We had a wonderful time . . . and though I don't know what your neighborhood is like, I can assure you that this is a wonderful idea. You might want to give it a try sometime!
I like the idea of progressive dinners; I've participated in a few. However, it always was a looong night and way too much food. Your group has hit on the perfect solution: no entree! I'm going to try this with a group.
I haven't been to a progressive dinner in years. Doing it with neighbors eliminates the time-consuming problem of driving from one house to the next. Great idea!
And I love your comment about skipping church to minister. Sounds just like something Jesus would do!
We had our open house Sat night and 3 neighbor families came. There are eleven houses on our street. But other friends came as well.
I enjoyed meeting some neighbors I hadn't met yet and getting to know some others a bit better. Hubby found some cycling partners.
I love the idea of a progressive dinner. I may have to see if there is any interest. I've never been to one, but always thought they sounded fun.
Sounds like a lot of fun but not sure if I understand exactly how it works. Do the soup/salad people and the dessert people stay at home until everybody comes to their house? I'm thinking as appetizer people, you went to all three, the soup/salad people only went to their own and to dessert and the dessert people only got dessert. Patti G
Everybody goes to each house. :-) Every prepares their dish and leaves it at home, then everyone meets at the "appetizers" house. Then they walk over to the soup house, then the salad house (if there is a separate one), then the dessert house. You can break the meal up into as many "stations" as you like.
The folks who are hosting the next course usually slip out a bit early to walk over and get things ready for the crowd to arrive. It's really fun--I highly recommend it!
It has been years since I have had a progressive dinner, and I love the idea of leaving out the entree. Since I've just moved to a new state, I have already invited all my immediate neighbors to an Open House I'm having the day after Christmas (Boxing Day). I will sound out the neighbors then. Since my best known (to me) neighbors are my daughter and her husband, and since he's an Executive Chef of renown, I bet the others will quickly buy in to the scheme! Thanks for the idea, Angie!!! Clyde
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