I have been having some STRANGE kind of painting urge, so on Wednesday afternoon I painted my library. It leads into my office, and both rooms had been DARK green, so I painted the first room, the library, a new lighter bird-poop-green color. :-) I like it better . . . at least until I get the urge to paint again.
Thanksgiving was fun and family-centered, and I hope you enjoyed yours, too. I've attached a couple of pictures. My family always eats the traditional big meal, then we play "Dirty Santa" with inexpensive gifts we've brought from home. It's always a blast.
And Friday/Saturday are my big decorating days. I feel fortunate this year--my small neighborhood has decided to do our first ever yard sale on December fifth, so I'm having hubby pull EVERYTHING from the attic (where all the decorations are stored). If I can't find a place to put something this year, it's going into the yard sale pile . . . a pile that is rapidly outgrowing the space I've allotted for it. But I'm finding each year that I was to put less out, because that will mean less to ultimately put away and store.
That's another thing we've missed by not moving in seven years--each move usually results in a major purge of STUFF, and if you don't move, you don't purge. So this yard sale is coming along at exactly the right time.
Don't wear yourself out shopping! Have a great holiday weekend!
Let me get this straight. You were up at dawn cooking all morning, and then you painted a room in the afternoon - all this on the day before Thanksgiving?! I'm weary just reading about it!
"Dirty Santa" sounds like a lot of fun! Where was it that I heard of an old, ugly lamp being passed around year after year in one family? Getting old, and the brain ain't what it once was. Upside is that I can continue to be amused by the same story over and over! Clyde
I like the new color.
I would probably call it Sage green, but then, you're the famous author. :)
I, too, am amazed by your energy level!
That second pic? That's exactly what Bugs looks like, in my head.
Mine, too, Susan! Isn't he a cutie?
Your family Dirty Santa exchange sounds great.
We do the same as a family, except we started playing a version of the party online... Called AlbinoPhant.
Even the distant family members can get in on the fun gift exchange..
Have a great holiday!
I like the bird poop, Angie, but if you don't need to do any more painting, would you please, please email me some of your excess energy and just sit down and read for an afternoon?
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