If you liked the left brain/right brain quiz, I have a feeling you'll like the gender genie.
I cam out more left-brained, which is typically (but obviously not always) male. But Leslie remarked that my writing style was different from most other women, and I knew she was right. And to prove it, I popped several paragraphs from THE FINE ART OF INSINCERITY (which is as girlie a book as I have EVER written) into the "gender genie" and here's the result:
Words: 2377(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)
Female Score: 2954
Male Score: 3009
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
I did it again, testing with another passage, and came up with the same result. But I've always know that I write more like a man than a woman . . . and now I know it's because I'm just wired that way. :-)
You can test your writing in the gender genie here. What's your result?
One of the things I've always like about your writing is that you aren't overly feminine in your style. Though I'm a woman, I don't care for novels that focus too much on romance. A bit of romance is ok, but too much, and I'll probably never read the author again. This is probably why the other authors I read are mostly male (Ted Dekker, Alton Gansky, Jerry B Jenkins, etc.) I do love Terri Blackstock also, though, and she's obviously a woman. However, I believe she writes more male, as well.
I saw this on someone's FB the other week and tried it with some of my blog posts. Two came out male and the third identified me as female.
I thought it was interesting to look at the reasons. . .I wouldn't have thought certain verbs or prepositions would be male or femail!
I scored female on both of my samples. One is written from a woman's POV and the other from a teenage boy's.
I really liked this one. A piece that I expected to come out male, did (it has a male main character) and the other came out female (but also has a male main character). Do you think that I need to work on the second one to be more masculine?
My blog entry came out female, which is to be expected.
No, Sara, I don't think you really have to work on it. I think it's just a matter of writing directly or not . . . and certain words the genie sees as "masculine" or "feminine." Take a look at the words it counted at the bottom of the screen and if you want to use more of them, you could, but I wouldn't sweat it.
Guess I think and write like a man, too, Angie. I'm very left-brained according to the previous test, so in this test I used a blog entry in which I talked about knitting, my faith, my grandchildren, and the weather. I thought it was a rather girlie blog...at least appealing to women more than men. But the Gender Genie said this entry was from a male:
Words: 934
Female Score: 1025
Male Score: 1227
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
I took both tests and it showed that I'm more left-brained (53%). I tried using 4 passages of my writing and 3 out of the 4 came back female. The one that came back male was in a male character's POV. That made me smile. :)
Very fun tests, Angie. Thanks for sharing!
I took both tests and it showed that I'm more left-brained (53%). I tried using 4 passages of my writing and 3 out of the 4 came back female. The one that came back male was in a male character's POV. That made me smile. :)
Very fun tests, Angie. Thanks for sharing!
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