Waking up this morning, Lord willing, at the beautiful Ridgecrest Conference center and the Blue Ridge Christian Writer's Conference, where I'm teaching several classes on fiction and TIME MANAGEMENT! LOL! Will try to blog from the conference, but making no promises. :-)
When I saw this photo (not the one on this page--the one at the linked site), I knew I was looking at a mother bird and her adolescent offspring. You can take a peek at it here.
LOL! Have a great day!
That picture is too funny!
Enjoy your time at Ridgecrest. It is so beautiful over there!
It doesn't surprise me that your teaching Time Management. I don't know if you mean time management in general or managing time within a book's setting. Either way, I think you're fully qualified.
And if it's the first one, I suspect the class will paint the entire conference center as a "lab"! :-)
Another great bit of cheer to start the day! Thanks, Angie. And again, I ditto Linda. Make sure to get a photo of all the rooms your class paints--to "inspire" us!
Have a great conference.
Mary Kay
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