Such a good quote, just had to share it:
“The great novels we get in the future are not going to be those that the public thinks it wants, or those that critics demand. They are going to be the kind of novels that interest the novelist. And the novels that interest the novelist are those that have not already been written. They are those that put the greatest demands on him, that require him to operate at the maximum of his intelligence and his talents, and to be true to the particularities of his own vocation.” –Flannery O’Connor, Mystery and Manners.
... fortunately, this will be easy for you, since this is exactly what you are already doing. It's what "Expect the Unexpected" is all about. I am amazed when I look at your titles in my bookcase and see the diversity of topics represented therein. Your curiosity has led to some awesome stories. Write on, friend. We, your devoted fans, will gobble up each new tome! Clyde
Awwww, the computer threw in triple comments again. I HATE my new computer.
LOL, Clyde. At last you know it's working!
Hint: I think you can adjust the sensitivity on your mouse. Or keyboard. Or whatever's giving you fits. I have a laptop that tends to double strike individual keys.
Great quote. Worthy challenge. Made possible with recent changes in the publishing industry. Before, you had to convince a publisher to share your dream. No easy task. While many fear a drop in literary quality with ebooks, is it possible that we may be on the threshold of some truly bold and courageous new voices?
Tremendously encouraging thoughts, Angie and Jack. And I'm with Clyde. You are an amazing trailblazer, Angie. Keep it up!
Mary Kay
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