We also have five "first place" winners, and those are Maurissa Harkins, Tim and Vicky Terpening, Linda Attaway, Janet Teitsort, and Elaine Forman. Folks, if you have not already done so, please send me your mailing address ASAP so I can get your prizes into the mail!
Congratulations to all who played--I'm hoping you had fun taking your apron pictures.
And if you want to know why we made such a big deal about aprons, well, you should read the book! :-)
And, while I'm thinking about it, support a writer and a bookstore today: BUY a new (not used!) book. Everyone in publishing thanks you. :-)
Have a wonderful day!
Such a fun contest!
Angela, thanks so much for hosting this contest...my daughters had such a good time with it! And, I know we will all enjoy the book and apron, as well.
Hope it was fun for you, too!
Sheila Harkins
It was fun, Shelia. :-) I enjoyed looking at everyone's aprons and even sewing a couple for prizes! I wish I could have sewn an apron for all the winners, but I gave half of my handmade aprons away even before the contest began . . . . sigh. So many things to do, so little time . . .
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