Written in the airport--
In no particular order, Angela Hunt is a novelist, a nana, teacher, mother, wife, mastiff owner, reader, musician, student, aspiring theologian, apprentice baker, and bubble gum connoisseur. The things that enter her life sooner or later find their way into her books, hence "a life in pages."
I'm happy to tell you about my friend Tricia Goyer's latest historical novel. A Whisper of Freedom is book three in The Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series. Battles heat up…not only those being waged by the soldiers on both sides fighting for Spain, but in the hearts and minds of the men and women who must sacrifice more than their dreams to save the lives of their loved ones.
In this meticulously researched novel, brave and idealistic Sophie, Philip, Jose, and Deion realize their only hope for freedom is escaping Spain's borders.
By continuing the story of this band of volunteers during the Spanish Civil War, A Whisper of Freedom proves that there are whispers of hope and liberty that resonate through even the darkest night.
Q and A with Tricia
My husband has a boyish sense of humor. A couple of years ago I woke on Valentine's Day morning to find a single candy heart on my desk--the first place I stagger each morning. I popped it in my mouth and enjoyed it while I was checking my email.Upon reaching the kitchen, I found another candy heart on my placemat. I ate it, too. And then when I went to the cupboard, I found another one by my vitamin bottle. You guessed it--I ate it.I figured my hubby was Hansel-and-Gretling--leaving me a sweet trail of candy hearts, and somewhere, I'd find the big payoff--the entire bag of candy.Imagine my surprise when I opened the trash can and found the rest of the candy hearts, still in their bag, in the trash. When he came into the kitchen, I pointed at the now-trash-tainted candy and said, "What gives?"Turns out that the carefully-selected and strategically placed candy hearts had messages for me . . . messages I couldn't read without my reading glasses. (He threw the rest in the trash because I am on a perpetual diet.)The moral of this story? When love enters its second decade, it's time to buy candy hearts with large print . :-)Happy Valentine's Day!~~Angie
Awaken My Heart by DiAnn Mills - www.diannmills.
Awaken My Heart by DiAnn Mills tells the unlikely love story between 18-year-old Marianne, a wealthy rancher’s daughter, and the infamous Mexican rebel leader warring against her father.
"Awaken My Heart is a colorful inspirational tale of romance and adventure! -Diana Risso, Romance Reviews Today
Q & A with the author - DiAnn Mills
Q: Welcome, Diann! You’ve been writing historical fiction for a long time. What interested you in the 1803 time period?
A: I love
Q: Does Awaken My Heart have a particular theme?
A: The theme is courage: courage to stand up to political and social factions that vie against God and what He desires for His people.
Q: Armando Garcia is quite the rebel! Do you think this type of hero glorifies rebellion?
A: Not at all. Armando had much to learn about the difference between his own desires and what God required of him. Once he realized his stand needed to embrace truth, he was on the right road.
Q: Marianne Phillips has a streak of rebellion in her. How was it channeled?
A: Marianne kept much of her rebellion inside because she knew God expected her to honor her parents, and in many instances, her father’s wishes. Once she saw that she had to make a choice between obedience to her father and obedience to God, she found strength to do that which was right.
Q: What is your biggest challenge in writing?
A: Always the characterization. I crave three dimensional characters that will experience growth. Understanding and acting upon their motivation takes time! Sometimes I simply have to “live” with them for awhile. J
Q: So how do you develop your characters?
A: Through time, patience, people-watching, viewing them through unusual situations, brainstorming, and consulting many books about the psychology of personalities. And that’s just the beginning!
A: I use the Myers-Briggs personality profile. It helps a lot! How much of yourself goes into a character?
A: I attempt to keep myself excluded from the process, but I admit that an opinion or a trait appears now and then.
Q: LOL! For me . . . well, let's just say that it's not on a mere whim that I call my blog "a life in pages!" What's next in the pipeline for you?
A: I’m currently writing a romantic suspense for Tyndale, the second book in the Behind the Sunglasses Series. I’m also preparing various historical fiction proposals.
Q: What advice do you have for any new writers out there?
A: To read in the genre in which they want to write. To read the books written by those authors they admire. To read books about the craft. To write everyday. To become active in a writer’s group.
Q: And before we go, how can readers contact you?
A: My website is www.diannmills.
Thanks for dropping by!