When I finished work last night, I was going through my itunes and finding album artwork for all the various albums (I know, it's a procrastination thing.) The albums I couldn't automatically find pictures for sent me to Amazon.com . . . and then I found myself. LOL! Trust me, I was stunned.
Many, many years ago I sang with The Re'Generation--this photo is one of the albums we recorded during my one-year tour. We were ten singers, we travelled a lot, and performed over 500 times that year.
Anyway, here's another album I found on Amazon. Tee hee. those were the years of stiff hair! (Can you figure out which girl is me?)
I'm impressed, Angie! As a Bible college student in the late 70's, I LOVED Re'generation...they were icons to music-loving students at my school. They had the smoothest, prettiest harmony. I had completely forgotten about them until reading this!
By the way, I got an advance copy of your "The Face" in the mail yesterday and have already started it...great stuff!
Ohhh, oh, oh! You got an advance copy of THE FACE? Oh, goodie! This is the first I've heard that it's out. Let me know what you think. (But only if you like it!)
And yes, Re'Gen definitely had groupies. I was one before I joined the group. You're right--nobody else sounded like them. Ten part a capella harmony on a lot of stuff--heaven for music lovers!
Is that you on the upper right? It's hard to tell, the picture is so small. But I don't think you are the red head on left or blonde on left of center. So if not girl on the right who is standing, then I'd guess the gal in the center back.
Yep, that's me--the tall girl, center back. Sort of a dishwater blonde in those days. :-)
I've heard of Regeneration. I don't know if I've actually heard them or not.
I picked you right away. The one with the most hair. Was that before or after college? Or was that the college group?
My goal in life: to be on a list to get an advance copy of an Angie Hunt book! Finally got over the SAWR "taunting" :-) and now it starts again with The Face.
I remember Re'Generation. Always dreamed of being in a group like that. Also loved Eternity. And Truth of course. Used to stand in my bedroom and pretend I was on stage singing. (Yep, I was dorky!)
When I was a teenager (late 70s), I sang in a group that performed in churches, etc., all over the west coast. Twelve-fifteen high school & college aged singers, chosen by audition, with a rhythm section and horn players. We rehearsed weekly year-round, toured annually, recorded about every other year. (I met my husband of 29 years in that group when he joined as the bass player!) We did a variety of music from groups like Truth, the Continental Singers, the Jeremiah People, et al., but some of my favorite arrangements we did were Re-Generation tunes. LOVED the harmonies. Ahh, such great memories.
Amazing, I never would have picked you for the blond! LOL How much fun.
I'm looking forward to finally meeting you in person at the conference. I'll bring some photos of my mastiff. :D
Um, dare I tell you I was around 6 or 7 years old when that record was out. I don't know that I have ever heard of that group, or would have appreciated them at that age.
Two points for me! I guessed correctly. :-) And no, before this post I never knew you were a part of the group. I about Re'generation, but had never seen a pic.
Kay, my Re'Gen year was between college. I was 18 the year we toured, so when we came off the road I went to Liberty as a junior and then sang in the LBC Chorale, which became Youth Aflame, and then somehow became the Sounds of Liberty.
At one point there was a singing group made up of ex-Sounds and ex-Chorale folks, and I sang in that, too for a while . . . hard to remember. :-)
I'm glad that the note: "Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock." does not apply to you!
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