With the WIP, I'm at the phase where I'm doing the super-picky editing. And yesterday it occurred to me that people really don't go through doors, they go through doorWAYS. (Saves them a lot of splinters). It's all about precise language, yeah, baby. Either that, or I'm getting positively punchy with this book.
A bushel of thanks to Melissa, over on her blog, where she posted a book list. I was not only honored to be included on her list, but I was pleased by her other choices, most of which I've read. My favorite line? "Angela Hunt doesn't write girly Christian fiction." LOL! I don't suppose I do.
I also loved THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. It's not Christian fiction, but it's very thought-provoking and unusual. My book club chose it as our selection one month, and we loved it. Also on that list are selections by Terri Blackstock, Athol Dickson, Bill Myers, Nancy Moser, Ted Dekker, and others.
Well, the deadline for this legal thriller is drawing ever nearer. I think I'll share a scene tomorrow, and you'll see what I've been doing for the last few days . . . and why my poor brain is exhausted! Last night I dreamed I was in law school . . . no wonder!
I started the Time Traveler's wife last summer, but couldn't get into it..can't remember why now...I will have to give it another try!
I love well-crafted language. I'm such a geeky wordsmith!
Can't wait to read the excerpt tomorrow! Hang in there.
Time Traveller's Wife is still one of my all time favourites - I still think about from time to time.
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