Yes, I am fully aware of the irony involved in posting yesterday about Facebook and posting two days prior about life-wasters. :-/ I think I'm going to have to make a point of only checking my facebook page once a week . . . or I could very well waste a lot of time. It is wonderful to hear from old college friends and kids from our ministry who are now grown with families of their own, and it's a special treat to hear from my former high school students who are now nearly as old as I am! (I was only four years older than most of them when I taught, and these days four years is nothing.) :-)
Yesterday on the plane I read something which will undoubtedly bring you great joy. I had always suspected this truth, but it was nice to read it in print. Here goes: When someone asks, "How are you?", you are perfectly correct to respond, "I'm good, thanks."
I responded this way not too long ago and was corrected for my grammar--a statement with which I did not argue because life's simply too short to argue about such things. But I knew I was right, because which "I am well," is a fine answer, it usually pertain to one's health, and I haven't been sick, so that's not an issue. So "I'm good," works not only for how I'm doing, but how I'm behaving (I hope). :-)
Why? Because "am" is a linking verb, and it's fine to use adjectives after a linking verb.
So--the next time you're asked, "How are you?", you can answer, I'm good, I am good, and/or I feel good and be perfectly in the right. If you answer "I am well," that means you're in good health, and if you say, "I feel well," you are saying that your feeler is exceptionally well-tuned.
(Why the grammar lesson? I picked up--actually, I downloaded--a Kindle copy of The Grammar Girls Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing and found it irresistible. My favorite line: "It's a grammar rumble, people." LOL! Love the attitude.
GOOD for you! I may have to check that book out.
One of my favorite books from a few years ago was Eats, Shoots and Leaves!
Just finished the Grammar Girl book and blogged about it at the Blue Ridge site (it'll post later in the week). Great book. Love her podcast too.
On a related note, it bugs me when people say "I feel badly" instead of "I feel bad."
Thanks. Now I will know how to correctly answer someone when they ask me how I am. My grammar goes to the dogs when I'm tired and I tend to speak what I call "Pennsylvania Dutch". For example, I say things like, "Throw me down the stairs my slippers." When I start talking like that, I really need sleep!
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