Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Current Events Quiz

My mom sent me a link to this current events quiz, so I took it and missed one out of 12. I email a lot of politically active friends frequently, so they keep me pretty "up to date" on what's going on (plus simply watching the news is helpful). At the same time, taking the quiz made me grateful that I wasn't a Miss America contestant . . . :-)

Why don't you take the quiz and test your knowledge? How did you do?



Anonymous said...

I missed 2 questions...guess I was colored by the higher unemployment rate here rather than the U.S. average. Oh well. I discovered I'm not as ignorant as I originally thought! LOL

Anonymous said...

I did miserably...but my excuse is being from Canada and not knowing the US political info. :-(

Anonymous said...

WAHOO, I got them all right ... being a news junkie pays off! Clyde

Unknown said...

I don't watch the news and it shows. Even if I did, I wouldn't have retained a lot of that info anyway. The Dow Jones? I wouldn't remember that even if I knew.
So... I'm not saying my score. :)

Mocha with Linda said...

Woohoo - I got 9 right - which isn't tremendous, but it's still much better than almost 80% of the rest of the population.

I don't know how I missed this post yesterday.

Beverly Nault said...

Thanks for posting this, very important we all keep abreast. And thanks for mentioning Miss America (the "A"cademic pageant), the young women from all walks of life who understand politics and culture, not to be confused with Miss USA contestants, who are set up for scandal and ridicule. Thanks, Angela!

Beverly Nault said...

Thanks for posting this, very important we all keep abreast. And thanks for mentioning Miss America (the "A"cademic pageant), the young women from all walks of life who understand politics and culture, not to be confused with Miss USA contestants, who are set up for scandal and ridicule. Thanks, Angela!