All I can say is wow. The book is VERY different and took a little getting into, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. I sat in my chair with tears streaming down my face as I read--my husband kept walking through the room and laughing at me.
So if you're looking for another engrossing read, check it out. It feels like science fiction, but other than the aliens, it's not, really. It's a novel that's almost impossible to classify, but it's great.
And now--the sarcastic folks at the Onion have outdone themselves with this video--poking fun at Apple's uber cool and at apple folks who go for the uber cool just because . . . well, it's cool.
Just a few hundred clicks away! LOL!
lol Those folks at Onion should be forced to use PCs!
My husband is like your; he kept walking in and gawking at me with tears streaming down my face as I read, She's in A Better Place. My review will be posted the middle of February, but I'll give you a three word peek:
1. FAN
2. TAS
i just started reading new moon this week. i finished twilight last week. my reaction was..."meh, it's ok". i like them but they didn't draw me in like the Harry Potter books did.
OOOH! I want one of those!! I hate typing! Can you imagine writing a book?
I cried last week when I read "One Perfect Day" by Lauraine Snelling.
Almost as soon as I finished it I had to read it again.
Hmmm...I'm not sure about the MacBook Wheel. I happen to love typing and can do it fairly quickly. The Wheel seems so slow! Guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy and resistent to change. LOL
i was wondering if "the host" was good...but,are the tears "sad tears" or "happy tears?" (if it is sad tears, i'm not sure i can handle it.)
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