I am SO excited about this book . . . in part because it was conceived in my car!
Robin Jones Gunn, you see, had come to my house last July, and on our way to have some Five Guys burgers, Robin was sharing her heart and her burden about international Christian writers, many of whom cannot afford to come to writer's conferences--nor do they have access to all the great resources that so many American writers do.
So before we knew it, we were thinking about asking some of our writing pals to contribute an article to a "how-to" book for writers . . . and that's when "A Novel Idea" was born. Tyndale House agreed to publish it, dozens and dozens of writers agreed to participate (in fact, we had so many articles submitted the editor wasn't able to use all of them), and now the book is scheduled to arrive in November. I know that any writer will find this book an invaluable resource, so thanks to all who participated in the project. Best of all, you can order it NOW!
Photos: Robin and me with our heads put together (and we have no idea why we made that face) and the official birth announcement for the new "baby"! (You can click on the ad to enlarge.)
Wow. That is way cool!!
I'm reading a Robin book now, but it's an oldie that I found on a sale table. Gardenias for Breakfast. So far, it's a good one.
Fabulous idea ... can't wait to read it. Still have miniscule, niggling idea about writing something, but nothing is bubbling forth. *sigh* LOVE the photo. Absolutely fetching!!! Clyde
I just wanted to say i FINALLY read The Face last night during the 24 Hour readathon (it was one of my reads during 2pm-7pm) and it was so good! i had been avoiding all talk of it ever since it's release b/c I didn't want to see any spoilers so I was totally blown away by the ending. Loved it!!!!
This sounds like another one I'll need to get for my growing library of "how to write" books!
The book sounds great - when is the release date?
I will definitely have to add that to my growing collection! Now if only I'd sit down and actually do some writing of my own! ;-)
Pam Meyers alerted me to this, Angie. I'm going to be sure ACFW's International chapter, Beyond the Borders, hears about it. What a special book!
As far as the photo . . . I think we were trying to look pensive -- to show that we were hard at work brainstorming or something. You know, it was close to midnight, we were at your desk, you were typing out the ideas we tossed around at Five Guys while I was trying to keep up with pen and pad. There was Babe, the horse-dog, trying to come between us. I saw your camera and said, "Capture this moment." You did. And there it is. From this a book was born. Isn't God amazingly creative?! Love you!
Wonderful! Thank you so much! I have forwarded the info on to our Beyond Borders Members! I am sure they will love it!
(Zone 10 Beyond the Borders Director)
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book!
Awesome idea, can't wait to read it. Have ordered it! Thanks.
How is it that I already own this book? I bought it through Amazon but it is also displayed in my local Christian Bookstore in Alberta, Canada.
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