I have entered the final 30 days of my work-in-progress, and though you might think that things get easier in the last month, they get harder. I seem to get up and go to work, quit work and go to bed, for days on end. But being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel makes it worth it.
At wordle.net, you can create "word clouds" from selected text, so I've copied a section of the WIP and created a word cloud for inspiration. The bigger the word, the more prominent it is in the text. Maybe you can glean a few clues as to the topic of the novel-in-progress! (You can click the image to make it bigger).
P.S. Insert your favorite Bible verse into the "create" box for a really lovely image you could frame for your desk!
You captured it with:
"I seem to get up and go to work, quit work and go to bed, for days on end." Why is it that husbands and kids seem to get so frustrated in the middle of the countdown? Perhaps because it is not a collective WIP. :)
Thanks for the reminder about wordie.com - write on!
Great image, Angie! I use Wordle often in my digital scrapbooking projects :)
-- kimB from Alaska
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