I don't know if you do much shopping online, but you couldn't pay me to go to a mall in December. Or in just about any other month.
I've become a devoted cyber shopper, and can usually find great deals with free shipping. But lately I became aware of shopping boutiques online, and have found some great deals there, too.
This is going to sound like a shameless plus, and maybe it is. But don't feel pressured. If you'd rather shop the old fashioned way, be my guest.
I saw Rue la la advertised in the Wall Street Journal as a "must have" iPad app. So I downloaded it and began to explore. It's a club, so you have to sign up (free), and once you're signed up, you can shop any of the daily boutiques. Different merchants, ranging from high end to middle market, place their clearance goods in a "boutique" and offer items for about 24 hours only. You'll find everything from housewares to shoes to chocolates to vacation packages, but you have to act fast. Things sell out pretty quickly.
You see something you like? You just click the button, check your size, and you're done. Rue la la has fabulous customer service, and if you buy one item on a given day, you get free shipping on anything else you buy that day.
Plus, Rue La La sends you an email every morning to tell you what boutiques will be featured on that day. So if you like Ann Klein, you should jump when you see the Ann Klein boutique coming up.
I've ordered a rug, a dress, a pair of boots, a pantsuit, and chocolates from Rue La La, and have always been impressed. So if you're interested, just click here and check it out! There's absolutely no pressure to ever buy anything. Disclaimer: if you do buy something because I sent you, they give me a small credit.
So why fight the crowds? Check out Rue La La. You may just la la love it!
I expected this to be about Nancy. :)
Sounds like a great way to avoid the amlls. Once again, thanks, Angie.
And I agree with Kay, when I saw the headline I thought Nancy had some surprising news.
Mary Kay
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