"Filled with plenty of insight, THEN COMES MARRIAGE is a touching and entertaining read."
Library Journal, 2-2001
"Capture(s) the nuances between male and female points of view as they explore the opinions shaping a marriage."
Book Description
This humorous novella looks at a young couple who reaches their first anniversary to discover that marriage is not what they anticipated. They are forced to take a close and sobering look at their own behavior, at their marriage--and what marriage is really all about. A light-hearted AND serious look at the roller coaster ride of marriage.
From the Back Cover
This idea of a romantic gift is a truck? Excuse me if I’m not thrilled to pieces. It’s been exactly one year since Heather and Kurt Stone exchanged wedding vows. A photo collage? For crying out loud! She knew I was hoping for golf clubs!
They’d planned to celebrate. Instead, they’re fighting. Not about the gifts they got—those are just added proof of what’s become apparent with time: how little each person understands the other. How could this perfect match turn out so wrong?
As a furious Heather unloads her marital woes to her mother, a bewildered and resentful Kurt heads for the racquetball court to vent his frustration. Now the real issue emerges: Kurt is a man and Heather is a woman. How can two people wired so differently ever hope to become one flesh?
Or could the strength of their union lie in their very differences?
Best-selling authors Bill Myers and Angela Hunt spin a warm, humorous, and insightful tale of young matrimony. From both a man’s and a woman’s point of view, here is the rose of marital bliss, complete with thorns. As Heather and Kurt individually revisit the befores and afters of their wedding, they strengthen their commitment and begin to redefine their love in wiser, less selfish terms.
Their awakening to the realities of marriage and their coming to terms with each other’s uniqueness are the story of every husband and wife. Lovingly crafted, Then Comes Marriage is a delightful novella filled with fond memories for seasoned couples, and wisdom and encouragement for newlyweds.
Tomorrow: How the idea germinated
I loved this book ... and I read it as a single person. It is a novella but it gets the point across in a touching way. Now I want to reread it. I am going to find it on my shelf now. :)
this is a good book. I recommend it for newly weds, anniversaries, and all inbetween!
Hmm. I haven't seen this one before. Sounds interesting.
Not sure I've read that one either! Now I feel I *MUST*
Haven't seen this one, but it will be on my list now!
I enjoyed this book on tape, with the authors reading their respective chapters. This was a delightful way too shorten the drive to my daughter's house one Thanksgiving. Truly wish I had read it earlier, but it definitely assures that my third marriage (should there be one) will be built on the right principles. Heartily recommend it to all! Clyde
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