Five years ago I didn't know what I blog was. Now I can't imagine beginning my day without popping into a blog or two to check up on some friends.
You see that list of blogs over to the right? Absolutely all of those are blogs I try to read if not daily, then at least weekly. They caught my eye because they were interesting, quirky (imagine that), or they appeal to something in me. Of course, I have other favorites that I pop by from time to time, but there's no way I could list all of them (and still get my schoolwork done today!)
BUT--there are so many worthwhile blogs! So many that I'd never get any work done if I spent all day blogging.
Here are a few other blogs you may enjoy visiting:
http://www.noveljourney.blogspot.com/ Gina Holmes does a wonderful job on this blog, often interviewing authors of Christian fiction.
http://godallowsuturns.blogspot.com/ Allison Bottke is Wonder Woman. She's written fiction and nonfiction, and her testimony is remarkakble. In fact, the only reason she's not in my blogroll is because I don't have time to keep up with her many ventures.
http://www.realityplunge.typepad.com Joyce M is new to the blogosphere, but a familiar face to anyone who's attended the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers' Conference.
http://accidentalhousewife.blogspot.com/ "Accidental Poet" is a joy to read, and has touched my heart more than once.
http://www.churchofthemasses.blogspot.com/ Barbara Nicolosi's blog is wonderful.
http://cowboysunsets.blogspot.com/ I'll bet Tim has no idea how many people read his blog and wish they could live in his shoes for a week or two. A lovely blog, a lovely life.
Well, I have an assignment whispering my name, so I'd better get busy reading. BTW, for you readers out there, I read THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL in Alaska, and it was AMAZING! It's by Phillipa Gregory, and I wouldn't count on that being the right spelling. (VBG)
Just wanted to tell you that my hubby and I Netflixed Alias, Season One based on your avid raves. We had never watched the show when it was on TV, but with summer looming and no House or Lost for three whole months, we were looking for something to watch in the evenings. We've watched the first seven episodes and are thoroughly addicted. In fact, Kevin said, "Let's not watch the last episode on this disc until the next one comes, or else it will drive us crazy!" Thanks for passing on your obsession.
Okay for some rason your blogroll is not showing up on my computer now. Weird. Anyway, thanks for sharing your list -- and I LOVE that cat picture! Too cute!
Thanks for the mention, Angie. Appreciate it much.
LOL, Carrie. I've got BJ and her hubby hooked now, too.
I have an Alias blog somewhere in the archives that I found somewhere else . . . I'll have to dig it out and rerun it this week.
I never watched Alias on TV, either. But Jane Orcutt recommended it, and I watched it on DVD--the best way to go, IMHO. :-)
As Gina's blog partner, I also appreciate the plug, Angie.
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