Hello! I am beginning a special RUSH project this week, so before I get busy I'd like to share a few Alaskan memories in words and pictures. Mostly pictures.
First of all, I highly recommend the Alaska cruise for anyone who's ever been inclined to travel north. Everyone ought to see our northernmost state--it's amazingly beautiful and there's lots to see and do. A real pioneer spirit pervades the cities, and even the sun shines almost all day and all night. (We never once saw a starry sky. We crashed long before the daylight did.)
I'll hope these pictures come out in the right order: we played pingpong and threw pots. (Whenever I get frustrated with writing, I threaten to chuck it all and make pots. Well, I discovered that making pots isn't as easy as it looks, but I do have a slightly-strange looking pot on my desk now. I may take up pottery as a hobby.)
We flew in a float plane over the mountains and had all-you-can-eat crab legs for breakfast (with cheesecake for dessert). We saw glaciers and bald eagles and fished for salmon (didn't catch any, but someone on the boat did.) We rode horses and learned about art (more on that later). At we ate and ate and made friends and ate some more. (Don't even talk to me about healthy eating this week.)
In any case, we sailed from Vancouver BC and stopped in Ketchican, Juneau, Skagway, and Whittier, then drove up to Anchorage before flying home. An amazing adventure. If you ever get the chance to go, take it!
did you make it all the way north to Glacier Bay? that was our destination last summer when we sailed with friends on their personal boat...but ended up in a smaller marina along the way and then made it to Coffman Cove where our friends live.. Ketchikan is beautiful,I agree...we walked from the marina to the other end of the island...and back thinking we'd catch a bus along the way...NOPE! I have a couple awesome pics if you're ever interested from that trip...and I live here in the NW
Yes, we did go up to Glacier Bay--one of the photos is of one of the larger glaciers up there. It was amazing, but I kept hoping to see a whale. No luck for me, but my hubby and several other folks saw one.
Juneau was really nice.That's where we went salmon fishing, and the thing that amazed me most was the size of the dandelions! The highways were carpeted with those yellow flowers, but they weren't little like we see in Florida--they were huge! The flowers could have covered the bottom of a typical coffee mug! We saw dandlelions in Anchorage, too, but they were more normal-sized. I suppose they grow so big in Juneau because of all the rain . . . but who knows?
I love the pictures, thanks for sharing! That pic of you throwing a pot on the wheel -- reminded me of when I used to take lessons. I remember it being much harder than it looks (especially since my upper body strength is like nil!).
Thanks for the pictures. We are doing
the south bound cruise in September
on the Coral Princess. Maybe someday
we can make a Heavenly Daze Reunion
be a cruise.
Linda G
I love your Alaska pix. I've never been there, but my mom has. She and my dad went to Mt. Denali park with my grandparents. They missed the last bus out of the park because they hiked too far up the mountain. They had to spend the night in an abandoned railroad car. I hope your trip was memorable, but not THAT memorable. Thanks for sharing.
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